January 10, 2025
By: Sally Sherif
How To Become the Best Version of YourSELF in 2025
Regardless of how 2024 is going for you, a new fresh start is on the verge of happening and you better be excited for it. If you pressed to read this article, you probably want to become the absolute BEST version of yourself in 2025 (just like all of us).
Now, let me ask you some questions:
Who is the best version of yourself?
What does she look like?
How does she hold herself?
What does she dress like?
What does she do for a living?
What does she do in her free time?
Well, now that you sort of have an image in your head about who you want to be now let’s discuss HOW to get there. We’re gonna talk Health & Physical Appearance.
Talking about health, I like to divide it into 3 aspects: mind , body and soul.
Those 3 aspects are codependent, if one falls apart, the other is bound to fall
apart too.

Read books that entertain you, wether it’s self help/development or cheesy teen romance! You can read on a weekly or daily basis, maybe just 2-3 pages a day.
• Practice Gratitude!! Listing the things that you are grateful for and pointing out positive aspects in your life attracts more things with the same positive energy.
• Quit negative self-talk. Listing a negative phrase after the word “I” conditions your brain to believe that this sentence is true. Stop saying sentences like “ I can’t do that” “I am a failure” “I am lonely”. A tip to stop negative self talk is to think of yourself as if you’re your best friend. Would you talk to her in such a negative way? You do not want to bring this energy with you in 2025.
• Practice Reflection and Journaling. Reflect at the end of your day, week or month about how it went. Ask yourself some questions like: Have you achieved all the goals you have planned? What did you enjoy about your day/week/month? What went well? What went wrong? You can also find a lot of templates on Pinterest. Try to journal as often as you’d like. Journaling can help you think more clearly and helps with some problems like oversharing to people.
• Meditation/Mindfulness. Just sit for 5-10 minutes a day and do nothing. Try to only think about your breathing pattern, nothing else. Try to observe if any thoughts try to intrude. Make sure to just observe the thought not give in and start thinking. This helps you become more mindful of what you think and why you behave the way you do.
• Always have a hobby. It can be a craft, collecting certain items or maybe just listening to new music. Hobbies activate your flow state and they’re an excellent healthy coping mechanism.
• Learn new things!! Go take that Spanish class you’ve always wanted to start. Go buy that guitar and start lessons, or start that art class you wanted to join. You don’t have to be THE BEST at something, just do it for
the sole purpose of enjoying it.

• Eat clean. Make sure to always eat to be HEALTHY not for your body’s appearance. Try to avoid unnecessary snacking, sodas and replace them with healthy nutritious snacks and smoothies. If you struggle with acne, diet plays a HUGE role, so make sure to decrease your intake of dairy, cocoa, peanuts, oily snacks, sugary drinks, candy and fast food. Remember that balance is key, you cannot stop eating ALL unhealthy food, but you can moderate your intake.
• Drink plenty of water. It’s recommended to drink 2-3L of water per day. If you’re wondering why you have headaches and feel like you’re in a slump all day, it’s probably because you’re dehydrated.
• Get enough sleep. You need to get those 7 hours. It’s crucial for your mood and all your organs especially your brain. If you pull all-nighters and then complain about feeling cranky, I wonder why .
• EXCERCISE. Move your body. It doesn’t have to be a 3km run or a sweaty gym session. It could be just a walk (shopping counts). It could be any activity or sport that you enjoy. If your day is busy to incorporate any type of movement, try walking to places instead of driving and take the stairs instead of the elevator. When you feel anxious or stressed, make sure to resort to exercise FIRST THING, as it releases natural pain killers called endorphins. The more sedentary you are, the more sluggish and lazy you’ll feel so, MOVE.

• Dedicate some time for yourself. Go on a date with yourself, Cook something for yourself and stay in. Spend more time with yourself doing things you love.
• Help someone. Volunteer and help your community as much as you can as it makes feel like you have a purpose and it makes you forget about any hardships going on in your life.
• Set boundaries. People inevitably affect our emotions. Sometimes, being around certain people can cause is to feel the same way they do. So, start distancing from people who do not make you feel good, do not listen to you or just do not align with.
Remember it’s not about being naturally attractive, it’s about the vibe you bring to the place.

• Having a hygiene routine is great because a huge part of looking put together is looking clean and polished. Make sure to shower daily and moisturize after and also exfoliating 1-2x per week.
• Taking care of your skin. Make sure the you’re using skincare products that work for you. Try not to take a lot of advice from social media reviews and visit a dermatologist for a more personalized skincare routine.
• Find a make up style that looks flattering on you and enhances your features. Just because that lipliner shade is IN right now doesn’t mean it will look the best on you, maybe another one would be literally perfect on you. Experiment with make up and remember that enhancing your features
is better than changing them with make up.
• Style your hair the way that makes you comfortable and get a makeover every once in a while. Go on Pinterest and check for hairstyles and try them, see what makes you feel confident and stick to that
• Find your style. Dressing in fashion trends may not always look good on you. For example, some body types look better in skinny jeans than baggy jeans and vise versa so make sure you’re dressing in what makes you look good not what social media is telling you to wear.
• Accessorize. Accessories can make you look put together a lot more than you can imagine. Invest in bracelet stacks, necklaces, earrings and some rings maybe.
• Posture. Please fix your posture when sitting down. You don’t want to look like a hunchback who has a pretty face.
Now that’s a wrap.
Remember to always chase your goals and dreams. The best version of yourself is within you, she is just present in the future and in order to find her, you just have to take some action. Trust, 2025 is YOUR
year. Stay kind, humble and pretty.